Design Wise:
A Guide for Evaluating 
the Interface Design of 
Information Resources

By Alison J. Head

“Design Wise takes us beyond what’s cool and what’s hot and shows us what works and what doesn’t.” -Elizabeth Osder, The New York Times on the Web.

Knowing how to size up user-centered interface design is becoming as important for people who choose and use resources as for those who design them. This book introduces readers to the basics of interface design and explains why a design evaluation should be integrally tied to what we trade cash for, trundle back in our arms, and fire up for everyone else to use—in settings of all kinds and sizes.

CyberAge Books | 1999/224 pp/softbound

Ebook Editions are available.

Design Wise
978-0-910965-31-6Regular price: $29.95Sale price: $26.96

Design Wise (hardbound)
978-0-910965-39-2Regular price: $39.95Sale price: $35.96

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