Click to enlargeThe Visible Employee:
Using Workplace Monitoring 
and Surveillance to Protect
Information Assets—Without 
Compromising Employee 
Privacy or Trust

By Jeffrey M. Stanton and Kathryn R. Stam

“An eye-opening book for employees with privacy concerns and employers worried about information security. Carefully researched and remarkable for its objectivity.”

— Ted Demopoulos
Demopoulos Associates

The misuse of an organization’s information systems by employees, whether through error or by intent, can result in leaked and corrupted data, crippled networks, lost productivity, legal problems, and public embarrassment. As organizations turn to technology to monitor employee use of network resources, they are finding themselves at odds with workers who instinctively feel their privacy is being invaded.

The Visible Employee reports the results of an extensive four-year research project, covering a range of security solutions for at-risk organizations as well as the perceptions and attitudes of employees toward monitoring and surveillance. The result is a wake-up call for business owners, managers, and IT staff, as well as an eye-opening dose of reality for employees.

"Employee monitoring and workplace privacy issues seem contentious at best, and intractable at worst. Read this book, and you will find yourself at the enlightened end of the learning curve. The authors distill solutions from workplaces with high security standards and high employee satisfaction. You don’t have to reinvent the solution—just read it."

— Steve Kropper
Senior Vice President
Equinox Corporation

CyberAge Books - 2006/356 pp/softbound

Ebook Editions

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The Visible Employee
978-0-910965-74-3Regular price: $24.95Sale price: $22.46
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